Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Next Step in the Journey

Since we're no longer in Daegu (sob sob sob) I'm closing that blog, and starting this one. I found that blogging was kind of cathartic for me, plus family and friends seemed interested in what was going on. That might not be so much the case now that we're not living in a foreign country, but I'm going to keep writing nonetheless.

We got into Sierra Vista, AZ today, our new home for at least the next three years. We had a month-long vacation with my folks in Utah where we could all sort of decompress and get used to being back in the states.

We went to children's museums:

I went on dates with my husband, and we were baffled by the size of concessions:

We just played with the kids a lot:

And Aiden got to have his 10th birthday with aunts, uncles, and cousins.

And now we're ready to move on. I'm so glad we're able to visit family and friends in the states! I know we're going to be racking up the mileage on our new/old minivan. :) And now... on to Ft. Huachuca!

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