Sunday, March 27, 2016

Yeah, So...

Good gravy, woman. Sure you're going to write a lot. Uh huh. One year later...

I think the biggest hindrance to this is that we don't do much here. In Daegu I felt like we were always exploring and experiencing something new, even if it was just taking the subway another stop down to see what was in another neighborhood. There isn't a whole ton to do in our town, and since Lillie gets motion sickness we don't do a bunch of driving out to Tucson or the smaller outlying towns either.

In any case, we've had a couple of excursions recently that I figured I could write about. Last month we went to a Renaissance Festival in Phoenix. Although it was a bit chancy with the potentially sick Lillie-Mac, we doped her up and gave her essential oils and shoved her head down on a pillow and told her to sleep for the next 3.5 hours. And it worked. Whew.

I have only been to one Ren Fest, and it was more than a decade ago, but it was so much fun. David had never been to one, so we figured it was time to get our geek on. Next year we're hoping to really dive in deep. The boys want to wear kilts, and Lillie wants to wear a princess costume.

We actually had one minor mishap on the way up. About an hour into the drive I looked down and discovered...
I was still wearing my slippers. Oy vey. I'm not even sure how I managed to leave the house like that. Luckily we found a Target and I got some decent shoes (which I had been meaning to buy anyway) and carried on with the day. Aiden, of course, spent the next 8 hours teasing me about it.

The kids are always suckers for these "picture posing" things. For some reason Lillie is in this "Ultra-Derp-Face" phase when taking pictures. I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer.

What man doesn't love a good turkey leg?

And sooo much face paint! At first the girls wanted the three of us to get matching face paint, but then they couldn't decide on what they wanted. Lillie loves unicorns and fairies, and Reagan loves dragons. So we would have had to combine the two on our faces somehow... instead I convinced them it was okay for us all to just express our individuality.

We ended up spending way more money than we should have, but it was so worth it. Our goal was to try to spend more time there than it took to get there, but we weren't sure if the kids would be interested enough to stick around. Luckily there was something for everyone. We're definitely going back next year.

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